Aromatherapy Vibrational Gong Bath With Scania in Westbourne
Address: St Ambrose Church 72 W Cliff Rd, Bournemouth BH4 8BE Free parking please arrive 15mins before hand to make yourself comfortable.
Linden is the essence of love and compassion, the Green Tara of trees. It can be used to meditate on the Mother energy and to celebrate the mother aspect of the Great Goddess. It represents love in action, compassion and caring. It can be used to meditate on spiritual and transcendental love and to open the heart chakra. Its protective and healing energy is well suited to any healing ritual. Linden protects against demons that torture the mind with anguish and fear.
History & Mythology
Linden is a mother of a tree - everything about her is feminine, nurturing, loving and caring as only mothers can be. She spreads her branches protectively like and arboreal embrace. In Norse and Germanic mythology she is sacred to Freya or Frigga, Goddesses of Love and in the hearts and minds of the people she was perhaps the most beloved of all trees. Linden trees were especially honoured in Slavic countries, but also in France and Germany, where just about every village had a central Linden tree that served as the social and cultural focal point of village life. It was here that dances and festivals were celebrated, where couples promised each other their undying love, and justice was spoken in open-air courts called 'tings'. No other tree features as prominently in popular poetry, songs and literature as the Linden. The outpouring of nectar from her flowers provides a feast for gazillions of bees and epitomizes her generous, providing nature. Bees, of course, are sacred to the Great Mother Goddess and the honey they produce is nectar for the Gods. Linden honey is indeed among the finest tasting and most valuable of all honeys - though unfortunately almost entirely used for pharmaceutical preparations. Linden trees are very healing indeed - not just her honey and flowers, but also the inner bark, charcoal and leaves are used in folk medicine for a wide variety of conditions. Naturally, this motherly tree is also protective against witches, devils and other evil spirits. Twigs were hung above doors and leaves were pinned to hats or collars to avert all evil. According to a folklore, the Linden tree was blessed with all these virtues by Mary, mother of Jesus. One day Jesus was wandering the earth feeling tired and ill. He lay down to rest under a Linden tree and fell asleep. Protectively the Linden tree spread her branches over the sick man. Some time later Mary, who had followed him, came by and found her son under the tree. Alas, when he woke up he was cured and restored. Mary, grateful to the tree for having so lovingly cared for her son, blessed it with healing and protective virtues, of which it has given generously ever since.
Linden Blossom is used more in perfumery than in aromatherapy, but it works very well on conditions with a prominent emotional component. It opens the heart and relaxes those that feel they have too much on their chest. It can be used for migraine, stress related conditions and nervous tension. It is also beneficial for insomnia, hysterics and stomach conditions that are due to stress.
( for oils)
We will inhale the scent and then go on a journey with the Gongs.
The Gong is a psychoacoustic gateway to heightened states of awareness and consciousness. It is an ideal tool for stress reduction, stimulation of the glandular system, and to break up emotional blockages. When skilfully played, gongs stimulate and resonate all cells in the human body simultaneously and recalibrate the parasympathetic nervous system.
The Gongs will create a sacred space, they allow us to attune our energies and link with our higher selves. It will be a place where we can go to be reminded of the fact that in spite of outward appearances, we are really beings of light occupying physical bodies. The gong Bath will allow time and space to connect with that divine-light energy in order to recharge our “spiritual batteries” I invite you to join me with beautify gongs, shruti and voice for an hour of sound. Booking essential,
You will need to bring something comfy to lay on and a pillow. Bring something snuggly and warm to wrap yourself up in. Booking Advised though not essential. Call me on 07929 379918 or pay with paypal
COST IS £10 (concessions available) I never want to stop anyone enjoying a Gong Bath if it is down to cost.
Address: AT Ambrose Church 72 W Cliff Rd, Bournemouth BH4 8BE
Gong Bath Starts Promptly at 7.30pm so please get there 15mins before hand. Due to the nature of the event, no late comers will be able to come in as this will disturb the meditation.
07929379918 (my number if you are lost)