I’m a Cardiff girl and my life has been a real blast so far, each day never the same… black days…blue days… joyous and sad. It has been my life to love and always will be. 

Work life has been eclectic, i started off my career in Los Angeles with Entertainment Lawyers whilst living in Hollywood. I then moved back to the UK became a mum of two kids and then was head of PR at award winning outdoor sports brand howies. when I was working at howies with owners David and Clare Hieatt I felt a real sense of passion for a brand that really cared about doing things well. After cutting my teeth for 5 years in the creative world of howies on the West Coast of Wales I then upped sticks and changed tack to follow my new vocation in life coaching, nutrition and the ancient mystery disciplines of reflexology, massage and Sound Healing which ignited a passion which grows ever more focused with each person I meet and exchange time with. My love for the Gong and its healing journey in my life, has brought forth this first album. I listen to it as a healing meditation, sometimes at the beginning of the day for energy, but mainly at night to relax or enter interesting dreams.

Through amazing people, gorgeous children and beautiful Dorset life I believe with all my heart this has lead me to create “the life you love.”

Which sole aim is to inspire, support and bring forth others into a life they will love too.

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